Of course we went to watch Old Faithful and then walked around the other bubbling and erupting features.

Yellowstone has, in the center of the park, its own grand canyon. At the end there are beautiful upper and lower falls. They could be viewed from a number of different places so we drove around to both sides and then went on a great ranger hike where we learned some more interesting facts about the area.

I actually took this photo although it looks like a print. These falls fall 300 feet. Dont want to try a barrell ride do you?

We had a really great adventure one day when we stopped to see Corrines mud pots. This photos is near Dragon's breath. We were walking around when everyone began pointing at the parking lot. We looked and there was a huge buffalo walking toward Russ who was sitting in our truck! I thought it was going to climb in with him for a while, but it then headed off for the trail that went up the hill. Up the hill near us were two other buffalo; a male and female. The new buffalo decided to battle for the female, so the two males began pawing dirt and bumping heads. It was so fun to watch. I dont know how to take videos with my new camera so I only could get still shots. So here they are. Eventually our buffalo gave up and wandered up the path towards about a dozen people who were trying to get down the hill. They all huridly decided to go another direction! Katie and Lexie thought it was the coolest thing ever!

And finally we went on a hike up high for a view of Yellowstone Lake. We passed a tree and the Ranger pointed out the Grizzly Bear claw marks. Fortunately we did not see the bear. As we hiked the ranger told us a story about one of the early explorers of the area who got lost for 37 days. It was so interesting I went online and downloaded his 13 page story. We really enjoyed reading it as we traveled.
Great pics . Look forward to Chicago pics when you get a chance to catch your breath in the midst of everything.